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We will be hosting Christmas lunch for our extended family of 15 people this year. We are starting to plan our Christmas Menu (Sarah is going to be in charge of the Dessert Buffet this year) and our Christmas Table to fit with our French Christmas Theme and using colours of red/white gingham. We have been inspired by lots of lovely festive tables on Pinterest. We are aiming for a Table Setting that is festive and fun, but will be inexpensive to create. We headed to Target to find some decorating items that were on trend and budget friendly.
One of the things we love about Christmas is using our good wedding china, silver cutlery set, and nice glassware. It really makes the meal feel special (even though it means doing loads of dishes by hand!). We will be setting up two tables this year in our family room area. We are still tweaking our Table Setting and won’t set it up until Christmas Eve, but here is a peek.
We love to dress up our table in a simple white tablecloth. We invested in a couple of white tablecloths for Mr 18’s Baptism, many years ago and they are still bought out for special occasions. We have added a Red Snowflake Table Runner which goes perfectly with our theme.
For a centrepiece, we placed a Red Lantern onto a white cake stand. We added some greenery from our garden, placed a few small baubles in red and silver around the base, and tied some ribbon to the handle.
We love using thick white cotton Napkins for special occasions. We cut a sprig of greenery from our pencil pine, added a candy cane, and a Joyeux Noel Tag, and tied it up with some red and white striped ribbon.
We placed a white paper doiley on the dinner plate and tied the cutlery together with red gingham ribbon and a bon appétit tag.
One of the highlights of my childhood Christmas’ was having Christmas Crackers (BonBons) at the table. We loved the paper hats, jokes, and novelty items inside the crackers. It is one tradition that has continued with our own family. We found some lovely Silver Bon Bons, and have “dressed” them up with a doiley, gingham ribbon, and an Eiffel Tower diecut to suit our theme.
We added some Christmas Bells to martini glasses to add some more colour to the table.
We are really pleased with how our Christmas decorating is shaping up. No doubt we will find and create other bits and pieces to complete the look over the coming weeks. We are also planning another Lolly Buffet this year.
If you are looking for lovely Christmas tableware that won’t break your budget, check out the festive range at Target.
Wonderful Christmas table! I wish I had the time and energy to put together such a beautiful table, especially after all the cooking and baking preparations. I especially love how that lantern looks. And I love how special each setting feels. The red and white is so nostalgic and fresh at the same time.
I stumbled upon your blogspot via Pinterest..what great ideas and I plan to use them next year..but some of the items you used could also be used for other occassions. I loved the red lantern, wonder if they came in white too? The white cake plate could be used for Easter, Halloween or Thanksgiving..Just change the decor. Add little figures for Easter and add Easter eggs around. Thanksgiving, you could add pumpkins and other symbols of Halloween(black cats, ghost, etc. Change to color of the candle to suit the holiday. I’ve been wanting a table runner for Christmas; I can see a trip to Target coming tomorrow to see if there are any more left, I can put it away till next Christmas.
I hate throwing beautiful cards away, great way of using them..You could even use cards from other holidays that fit the occassion..
Do you have a printable template for the place cards or did you buy them online? If one doesn’t have some evergreen, the garden shops usually have some or why not use fresh rosemary or would that be too strong of a scent? Is it possible that you can come up with something to celebrate Spring? Easter? I do not have creative talents but my mind is running away with idea in my head..but I can’t implement them into creativity! I have bookmarked your blogspot and will continue to follow it. Thanks for sharing all this.
Looks beautiful girls 🙂
A simply gorgeous table girls.
What a delightful setting 🙂
Wonderful Christmas table! I wish I had the time and energy to put together such a beautiful table, especially after all the cooking and baking preparations. I especially love how that lantern looks. And I love how special each setting feels. The red and white is so nostalgic and fresh at the same time.
It all looks so beautiful! I love your red lantern!
Absolutely beautiful.
I stumbled upon your blogspot via Pinterest..what great ideas and I plan to use them next year..but some of the items you used could also be used for other occassions. I loved the red lantern, wonder if they came in white too? The white cake plate could be used for Easter, Halloween or Thanksgiving..Just change the decor. Add little figures for Easter and add Easter eggs around. Thanksgiving, you could add pumpkins and other symbols of Halloween(black cats, ghost, etc. Change to color of the candle to suit the holiday. I’ve been wanting a table runner for Christmas; I can see a trip to Target coming tomorrow to see if there are any more left, I can put it away till next Christmas.
I hate throwing beautiful cards away, great way of using them..You could even use cards from other holidays that fit the occassion..
Do you have a printable template for the place cards or did you buy them online? If one doesn’t have some evergreen, the garden shops usually have some or why not use fresh rosemary or would that be too strong of a scent? Is it possible that you can come up with something to celebrate Spring? Easter? I do not have creative talents but my mind is running away with idea in my head..but I can’t implement them into creativity! I have bookmarked your blogspot and will continue to follow it. Thanks for sharing all this.